Swiss Made

Future Of Education And Essential Element Of Effective School

Upgrade your school and empower your students to succeed with BrainCore: neuropedagogy-based innovative system!

Why BrainCore


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Cognitive Profiling

BrainCore identifies cognitive profile of every user, what helps to respect learning specificities of each student and suggest intervention methods for an individual or for a “classroom“ type group. Designing a cognitive profile allowed for a tailor-made framework and a coaching that sped up the transfer into Long-TermMemory. Cognitive profiling permits fine programming of educational pathways. The teacher becomes an activator of semantic competence networks.


  • Enjoys a great deal of freedom and gives the impression of being somewhat independent
  • Can abandon a project rather quickly, for lack of personal motivation
  • Has good communication skills and does not refuse an argumentative exercise
  • Gets better results when the effectiveness of proposed framework is high
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  • Is efficient in work thanks to excellent personal discipline
  • Needs to put effort into communicating with others
  • May feel some awkwardness, even shyness while speaking in public, prefers discretion
  • Usually achieves their goals thanks to working hard and being resilient
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  • Generally demonstrates great difficulty in finding personal motivation for effort
  • Acknowledges a need for individualized and sustained support
  • Seeks to develop self- esteem and self-confidence
  • Appreciates following the instructions
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  • Has a natural tendency to communicate and to take a stance
  • Generally shows low self-confidence and self-belief
  • Often has solid ideas and likes to defend them in front of the others
  • May become discouraged very quickly and hastily hide behind a state of dissatisfaction
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  • Is not fond of control while working
  • Generally shows a certain ease in communication and assertiveness
  • Views defence of ideas as a principle and regulary puts it into practice
  • Lacks self-discipline when major effort is required
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  • Has good communication skills
  • Views social relationships as an important element in the knowledge acquisition phase
  • Often tries to avoid putting too much effort while working
  • May have problems with understanding a purpose and duration of a given taskt
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  • emonstrates a great deal of autonomy in performing tasks assigned
  • Has good communication and reasoning skills
  • May be less efficient due to a high compliance to interact
  • Has a tendency of being dispersed thus some projects may be jeopardized
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  • Generally shows a significant lack of self-confidence
  • Has little interest in confronting ideas
  • Can be often found in confused, wait-and-see attitude
  • Must be able to progress every day for not to become d
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BrainCore Platform

BrainCore Platform Is An Ultimate Help For Teachers:

  • gives teachers access to the information concerning each student, as well as whole group of students from different classes
  • shows problems and difficulties of each pupil, indicating its level (high, medium or low) and propose adequate solutions
  • allows teacher to see the most common difficulties of all students
  • provides Grouping Tool - excellent help in building small groups of students working together during the classes
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Proactive Approaches

The inovativeness of our approach has its roots in the fusion of technologies, between neuroinformatics, neuroscience, and neuropedagogy.

Scientific Research

Our analysis led us to the creation of a statistical measurement unit NAD®, with N measuring the potential energy of the cognitive transfer activation, A and D representing catalytic values related to educational activities. The contribution of a Machine Learning system made it possible to apply this model to over two thousand students till now.

Individualized Report

Our system generates individual result immediately after completing the test by the student, providing the wide range of dimensions, including unique NAD ® values, strong and weak points, emotional indicators and many others. BrainCore proposes also a career aptitude test helping students to chose best educational path for them.

Coaching in Schools

Our researchers have combined their skills to create a reliable and completely revolutionaru analytical tool. NAD creates a unique respresentation of the cognitive.

Our innovative system based on neurosciences shows to people how their brain processes the received knowledge. Thus, the system provides individual solutions to each user, permitting them to accelerate their learning processes. The schools and centers using BrainCore Education enhance their pedagogy through personalization of teaching approaches. They manage the students’ educational pathways in a project mode. This fosters a growth of individual potential that is both effective and respectful of personal learning paces.

Network of Partner Schools, a Synergy Conducive to Research

For over a year now, we have built a network of partners who are involved in the development of our teaching resources. We built a digital laboratory (Forum) that cross-references the experiences of each institution coming from a range of different backgrounds. Each school participates in data collection using cognitive psychology and pedagogybased approaches from a broad-spectrum sampling (adults, industry, children, adolescents, scientists, and teachers). The diverse origins of the project actors (France, Switzerland, Poland, Belgium) allow us to test our approach in culturally specified clusters. The result is information networking, sharing of experiences, enriching on-going international trainings. The versatility of the researchers involved is a significant asset for the analysis of issues related to the educational needs that await our civilization in its important conversion phase to WEB 4.0.

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Opinie użytkowników BrainCore

"BrainCore nauczył mnie nowego podejścia w nauczaniu-ukazał, że każdy uczeń ma swoją własną i unikatową tożsamość pedagogiczną."

- Ana B – nauczyciel Nemesis, Szwajcaria

"BrainCore pomaga uczniom w odkrywaniu indywidualnych zdolności i umiejętności, dzięki czemu zmienia ich podejście w stosunku do nauki."

- Evich M. nauczyciel / Pole Formation Competences Cipen, Arles, Francja

"BrainCore pozwala na rozwój umiejętności interpersonalnych i strategii poznawczych w odpowiedzi na różne sytuacje. Uczniowie stają się bardziej aktywni i zaangażowani podczas lekcji. Braincore pozwala uczniowi na pogłębianie wiedzy o sobie samym, zarówno o jego możliwościach, jak też o jego roli i funkcji w grupie"

- Dominique T., Nauczyciel CFAI, Istres, Francja

"BrainCore” pozawala na poznanie swoich mocnych i słabych stron. Uczy planowania, organizacji, sposobów na efektywną pracę, a także radzenia sobie z emocjami i trudnościami."

- May-Sara I., 16 letnia uczennica, szkoła Nemesis w Szwajcarii

"Dzięki BrainCore nasz syn lepiej poznał samego siebie i odkrył swoje mocne strony, które pomagają mu w nauce. Jako rodzice jesteśmy w stanie znaleźć właściwą drogę, aby zachęcić go i zmotywować do nauki."

- Véronique D., Matka ucznia ze szkoły Nemesis, Szwajcaria

"BrainCore to świetne narzędzie, które miałem okazję wypróbować podczas pracy ze studentami. Wielu z nich było bardzo zaskoczonych, gdy odkryli (na końcu swojej ścieżki edukacyjnej), w jaki sposób się uczą się i co jeszcze mogą zrobić, aby w pełni wykorzystaj swój potencjał i działać bardziej efektywnie w życiu zawodowym. Jako trener umiejętności społecznych i trener, psycholog pracujący z nauczycielami przy wielu okazjach, szczerze polecam BrainCore."

- Tomasz W., Psycholog

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